
Mayor De Blasio will throw Yankees a parade, but he loves the Red Sox

The Mayor of New York City, Bill De Blasio, makes no secret of the fact he is a dyed-in-the-wool Boston Red Sox fan.  He even attended the Red Sox-Orioles spring training game on Mar. 2 in Ft. Myers.  But what if the New York Yankees won the World Series?

De Blasio told the Boston Globe's Peter Abraham: "I truly love baseball and if the Yankees win the championship we'll give them an amazing parade and an amazing ceremony.  But I'm a true Red Sox fan."

Say this about De Blasio, he is not one of those pretend baseball fans, trying to score political points.  He knows the game, its intricacies and follows the Red Sox and baseball closely, as evidenced by Abraham's story.  In other words, he is a baseball aficionado.  What is interesting, however, is that he tells Abraham he has not set foot in Yankee Stadium since becoming mayor.

As for the Yankees using the mayor of their city's words in support of the Red Sox as extra incentive, well, De Blasio rooted for the Red Sox last year too.  The Yankees need another starter in their rotation, more than a mayor promoting their archrival, as motivation toward a World Series title.
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  1. I completely agree that the Yankees need another starter. I’d trade Gary Sanchez for one!

  2. They like Sanchez, but don't be surprised if Greg Byrd goes in a deal or they make a free agent signing.



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